ECHS Recruitment 2025: Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) has announced the Latest Recruitment Notification of Pharmacist and Dental Assistant Jobs Jobs for 13 Vacancies. Many unemployed aspirants are searching for Govt Jobs Notifications. Those Jobless aspirants who have the passion to work as an employee in the ECHS Department must take the chance to apply for this ECHS Jobs. All the Interested aspirants who are qualified in 8th, Any Degree, B.Pharm, B.Sc, BDS, D.Pharma, Diploma, DMLT or MBBS are eligible to apply for ECHS Notification 2025. Aspirants who luckily visit this webpage can easily find all the Job Vacancies available in the Public Sector Department. Job Seekers who have the desire to get placed in the ECHS Department can grab this career opportunity by applying before the last date. Before going to the application process, aspirants must check all the eligibility details of ECHS Jobs in the Official Notification. To Read More about ECHS Recruitment, Read More
Mar 06, 2025 11:07 AM IST | 65 Jobs Found On 'government jobs in ECHS'
Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) is a Central Organization located in Delhi and function under the Chief of Staff Committee (COSC) through AG and DGDC&W in Amy HQ. The ECHS was launched with effect from 1st April 2003. The Scheme is financed by Govt of India.
Conceptually the ECHS is to be managed through the existing infrastructure of the Armed Forces in order to minimize the administrative expenditure. Establishing new Armed Forces Polyclinics in Non-Military areas. Empanelling civil hospitals and diagnostic centres.
The Existing Command and Control Structure of the Army, Navy and Air Force have been given the Administrative and Financial Powers to run this Scheme. Medicare schemes could provide some relief to the ESM, but it was not a comprehensive scheme as compared to and available for other Central Government Employees.