HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2025: HLL has announced a recruitment notification for 52 [jp title[ posts, which is updated on 20 Mar 2025. Various Job Opportunities are released by the HLL Lifecare Organisation. Lots of Job Opportunities have emerged here. Hindustan Latex Limited has come up with Various Vacancies to recruit the eligible contenders in its Organisation. Here you came for the right place. This is the fabulous opportunity for all the Interested aspirants who have desires to settle their career in HLL Lifecare Limited Jobs. Many contenders have got the Opportunity to be placed in HLL Lifecare Organisation. For these posts Notification, we have intimated all the regarding details provided in the Official Notification of HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2025. So the aspirants who are interested and have GNM or B.Sc Nursig qualification can go through the notification below and apply for this recruitment before the last date. To Read More about HLL Recruitment, Read More
Mar 20, 2025 12:32 PM IST | 5 Jobs Found On 'govt jobs in HLL'
To get daily updates this is the one place for the Latest Notifications in HLL Lifecare Govt Jobs and we provide you the guide to crack the HLL Lifecare Notification. If candidates are not satisfied with this information you have another option as Official Advertisement released by the Organisation. For referring to know the eligibility details you can easily download the Official Notification of HLL LIfecare Recruitment 2025 in below-given link. Many Unemployed aspirants are facing problems without Job Opportunities. So all the eligible and interested Jobless candidates can grab this opportunity without any late.
HLL Lifecare has recently published the recruitment notification for Various Jobs. Candidates who have completed their education in relevant discipline are eligible to apply for these posts. Candidates who are interested can apply offline for these posts before the last date. Aspirants who are going to apply for these posts can refer to the Official Notification. As below we have provided direct links of Official Notification to check the complete details of HLL Lifecare Jobs. Every contender who has a dream to get placed in HLL Lifecare Govt Jobs must know about this notification and then apply for Various Vacancies.
This is the best Opportunity for the HLL Lifecare Govt Jobs. For more updates on HLL Lifecare Jobs visit our website. Candidates who are searching for HLL Lifecare Posts must utilize this employment opportunity to settle their career in Hindustan Latex Limited Organisation. Now here we are with you to provide all the eligibility details mentioned in the Official Notification like Educational Qualification, Selection process, Age limit, Application Procedure, Selection Process and also other details of HLL Lifecare Notification. All the interested aspirants must visit the Official Notification for more required details.
HLL Lifecare Limited is well known as Hindustan Latex Limited. The HLL came into existence in 1966. It is fully Govt Owned Company. It was a manufacturing company based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It was completely a Government of India owned Company. The HLL Produces the Indian Health Care Products including condoms, contraceptive pills, IUDs, surgical sutures, blood bags, and Pharma products. in the year 2005, the HLL has founded the LifeSpring Hospitals, a 50-50 joint venture with the Acumen Fund. In February 2014, HLL acquired 74% equity in Goa Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. On 8th January 2018, the Government of Idia approved the privatization of HLL Lifecare.