NPCIL Recruitment 2025:- NPCIL has given a job alert to all the applicants for the post of Stipendiary Trainee/Technician and Nurse Jobs which is updated on 25 Mar 2025.This recruitment has about of 391 vacancies. The Aspirants who are looking for the jobs over NPCIL Recruitment this is one of the great opportunities to grab it, the candidates who have completed their 10th, Any Degree, B.Sc, B.Sc Nursing, Diploma, GNM, 12th they are eligible to submit their online application form, the Last date for the online application and Interested candidates may check out the Notification Details below. To Read More about NPCIL Recruitment, Read More
Mar 22, 2025 11:09 AM IST | 5 Jobs Found On 'NPCIL government jobs'
All the hopefuls and job seekers who have passed Graduation and Masters Degree from any recognized university are eligible to apply for the NPCIL Recruitment 2025. Generally, the board of NPCIL is receiving the online applications from all the freshers and as well as experienced candidates who are eligible for the NPCIL Notification. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited is one of the best sources to all the job hunters who have expectations on the various jobs. All the individuals who frequently keep their eye on NPCIL notifications can easily get the employment opportunity as soon as possible. Several notifications will be released by the NPCIL Board for the purpose of prevention of the burning problem of unemployment. Applicants who successfully utilize the chance of NPCIL advertisements will get placed in the NPCIL Department.
About NPCIL:- Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) has stated as the government-owned corporation of India. The formation of NPCIL was made in the year of September 1987. In the present scenario, S.K Sharma was acting as the S.K Sharma who is maintaining all the functions and duties of NPCIL. Under the Companies Act 1956, NPCIL was founded with the purpose of operation and maintenance, undertaking the design, construction to provide the generation of electricity for various schemes and programmes. NPCIL is also responsible for operating India's commercial nuclear power plants at seven locations. NPCIL is also dealing with the various problems with private enterprises poaching its employees.