PGIMS Recruitment 2023:- PGIMS has given a free job alert for Freshers and other candidates, which is updated on 28 Feb 2025. The candidates who have completed DNB or MD/MS qualification for the position of Consultant Jobs and it has about of 4 vacancies. All the job seekers and aspirants who are looking at the job over PGIMS jobs in India can check this page for all latest recruitment 2023 updates. Here we provide you more details such as Read Details, Eligibility Criteria, Selection procedure, Educational Qualification, etc.we ensure that none of the PGIMS Recruitment job notification gets missed on our website. So all the aspirants who are interested can go through the notifications below and apply for this recruitment before the last date. To Read More about PGIMS Recruitment, Read More
Feb 28, 2025 03:03 PM IST | 5 Jobs Found On 'government jobs in PGIMS'
All government jobs are No. 1 Website in India where you can find latest 2023 government as well as private job recruitment notifications for different posts vacancies in India. Here we provide top company jobs for Freshers and other candidates too. Register with us to get the latest employment news and notifications about all the recruitments. All government jobs offer better relevant to job search results which helps candidates to get the jobs they deserve. For Instant updates regarding PGIMS Recruitment notification from the PGIMS 2023 for Freshers and other graduates and students are given.
PGIMS is also known as Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science. It is a graduate medical institute in the city of Rohtak, India. The institute offers various courses in major specialists of Medicine. It is incorporated in Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences.
Pt. B.D.Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak is situated at a distance of about 240 km (150 mi) from Chandigarh and about 70 km from Delhi on Delhi-Hissar-sirsa-fazalika National highway. It is the only major Institution for Medical Education and Research and a tertiary care center for the provision of specialized health care services not only to the people of the State of Haryana, but also those from Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Western U.P.