KIOCL Limited Recruitment 2025:-KIOCL has given a free job alert for Freshers and other candidates, which is updated on 17 Jan 2025. The candidates who have completed Degree in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Any Degree, Post Graduation, MBA qualification for the position of Engineer, Officer, and Other Posts and it has about of 14 vacancies. All the job seekers and aspirants who are looking job over KIOCL jobs in India can check this page for all latest recruitment 2025 updates. Here we provide you more details such as Read Details, Eligibility Criteria, Selection procedure, Educational Qualification, etc.we ensure that none of the KIOCL Recruitment job notification gets missed on our website. So all the aspirants who are interested can go through the notifications below and apply for this recruitment before the last date. To Read More about KIOCL Recruitment, Read More
Oct 30, 2023 11:29 AM IST | 5 Jobs Found On 'KIOCL govt jobs'
Here you can find all the latest job openings in Bengaluru state. Applicants who keep attention on day to day advertisements which have revealed by the Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited will get employment opportunity soon. KIOCL is also focus on both freshers and as well as experienced applicants in the time of announcement of notifications. We all know that huge number of applicants wants to settle in the public sectors only so to help the applicants KIOCL will officially publish the massive number of notifications regarding the job openings in Punjab. All the job hunters who have curiosity to achieve job in the department of KIOCL must follow all the updates regarding the KIOCL Notification 2025. All the hopefuls who wants to fulfill their future desires must plan for the application process of PPSC. By following the notifications which have published by the KIOCL applicants can easily get the lucrative jobs.
About KIOCL:- Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL) was founded in the year 1979. KOICL is one of the best enterprise which has head office and administrative activities in Bangalore. Headquarters of KOICL was located at Bangalore, India. In the present situations, shri MV Subba Rao was acting as the Chairman and Managing Director. It consists pelletidation plant in Mangalore and also has an iron mine in Kudremukh. In the year 2006, one of the largest iron, Kudremukh mine was closed. KIOCL is one of the Iron making Mining works under the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. LIOCL was highly concentrate on the various products such as Inron oxide pellets and Pig iron. Based on the Western Ghats, the capative mining took place at Kudremukh.