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Manager Jobs - Govt Jobs in South West Delhi

Posted on :   2024-12-30
South West Delhi has published the latest job notification on : 30-12-2024 for the post of Manager Jobs with 12 vacancies in various organisations like RAILTEL , IRCTC , Ministry of Commerce , GMCH , Ministry of Commerce , GMCH , GMCH , IARI , GMCH , GMCH , DTU , Ministry of Commerce , IARI , RML Hospital , RRB , BIS , IRCTC , NHSRC , AIIMS Delhi , Indian Army , RRB. Interested Candidates may Submit the Application for the RAILTEL , IRCTC , Ministry of Commerce , GMCH , Ministry of Commerce , GMCH , GMCH , IARI , GMCH , GMCH , DTU , Ministry of Commerce , IARI , RML Hospital , RRB , BIS , IRCTC , NHSRC , AIIMS Delhi , Indian Army , RRB Recruitment Notification before the last date of the application ie: 2025-01-27. Every candidate must read the detailed information of the South West Delhi Notification which is mentioned briefly below for on going application of South West Delhi Govt jobs. Also, every aspirant must have the required set of eligible criteria to apply for the Govt jobs in South West Delhi.

Job Description

Qualification :   Manager Jobs and other notification has a certain eligible criteria as follows
Vacancy Details

No. Of Posts: 12 Vacancies : As per the South West Delhi Govt jobs notification, every notification has different posts and vacancies.

Employment Type: Freshers

Age Limit: The candidate should not exceed 45 years of age.

Selection Process: The selection process differs for every notification. It may Direct recruitment, Interview or Written Test.

Pay Scale: INR 18000/- to 95000/- per month.

Application Process: Offline / Online Application procedure.

Address :  South West Delhi , Delhi , India

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